Peer Group Facilitator Training Video

Please use the following video to aid in the training process for your peer group facilitators. You may watch this video as a group OR give students the link to this page to watch outside of class time.

Rationale for Using Same-Age Peer Facilitators

First-time behaviors such as smoking e-cigarettes or drinking alcohol arise in social settings and are heavily influenced by peer group norms. Teens are more likely to start a precocious behavior because of peer pressure and what they see peer social leaders doing. Peer Group Facilitators are elected by their peers because they are classroom social leaders. Research has shown that prevention works best when the program: a) makes use of same age Peer Group Facilitators to discuss social behaviors; and b) strengthens non-drug use norms.

CATCH My Breath was designed for Peer Group Facilitators to organize cooperative-learning group discussion activities to establish small-group norms that e-cigarette smoking is undesirable. There are several reasons why peer-assisted programs: a) have a strong influence on the attitudes and behaviors of group members and; b) are more effective than teacher-facilitated programs.

  • Peers nominated by their classmates are credible role models. The information they deliver is more likely to be believed and internalized.
  • Peers create new anti-e-cigarette smoking norms—norms that will persist outside the classroom.
  • Peer-delivered information is less intimidating because peers use local language, behaviors, and culture.
  • Peer-led programs are easier for teachers to implement and better enjoyed by students.

Note:  The Peer Group Facilitated activities of CATCH My Breath may be substituted with large-group sessions by the teacher, if that works better for a particular group of students. Also, some Peer Group Facilitators may not accept the responsibility, while others may not participate meaningfully in the program. Use your judgment when assigning students the role of Peer Group Facilitator.