Welcome International Friends!

The evidence-based CATCH My Breath program at the heart of Be Vape Free is available to international schools exclusively through the CATCH.org web platform.

Click the Sign Up banner below to create your CATCH.org account and gain instant access at no cost.

Thank you for your interest in the Be Vape Free initiative and youth vaping prevention!

While we do not require any payment to access the program, we do not have funding to support international schools. As such, we ask that you consider a $50 (USD) donation to CATCH Global Foundation per campus to help offset the costs of international customer support and content management. It is our aim to give all campuses, regardless of geographic location, the same quality of service and programming. Any amount of financial support helps!

Please note: At this time, the program is available only in English and uses United States data.
Donate to CATCH Global Foundation

Sign Up to Access CATCH My Breath